Attendees: 20
Proceedings: Meeting started at 7:10 p.m. by Ryan Hand
Treasury Report: Club has $5,543.24 in bank accounts
Club Membership
- Membership options:
- $25 Bag Tag + Dryfit shirt (Black w/ Lime Shock stripe on sides w/ white lettering)
- $40 Bag Tag + Polo shirt (Steel Gray w/ white lettering)
- $50 Bag Tag + Polo shirt + Dryfit shirt
- During Tuesday Night Doubles – only club members are eligible for CTPs and Ace Pool
- 46 paid members to date
Club “GRDGC” Bumper Stickers
- GRDGC bumper stickers (club fundraiser)
- good quality and durable, $2/ea
Course Plans
- Ellison – redesign approved by the Monroe County Parks Dept.
- No baskets will go in until the redesign is complete.
- Work day scheduled for Apr. 19th at 8am to complete this redesign
- North Ponds Park (Webster) – work day on April 15th at 5:30pm
- The Ridge Campgrounds at Mt. Morris
- 9-hole course designed by Tony Inzana and Gene Beaumont
- projected to be in the ground on May 1st
- watch club website for more details.
- this will be a private course
- Swain Resort Disc Golf Course
- will only be able to play on weekends in June and July, September and October
- 18-hole course
- more details to be noted on the club website
Tournaments and Leagues
- Battle at Arrowhead Fundraiser Tournament
- temp 18-hole course at Powdermill Park
- April 12th (Saturday)
- contact Mike Drees for details
- Legacy Battle of the Aces
- April 26th (Sunday)
- Girls Gone Gonzo
- May 10th (Saturday)
- Looking for hole sponsors
- Chili Cookout
- May 24-25th
- Trillogy Challenge
- June 28th
- details have been posed on
- The NT (Pro) tournament will be streaming live on
- Sponsorships being managed by Peter Lunstead
- Looking for Players Party Organizer(s)
Next meeting is on May 7th at Bill Gray’s (MCC) at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Secretary/Treasurer, Gene Beaumont